- Who appeared for the plaintiff? 谁为原告出庭辩护?
- Mr. Smith appeared for the plaintiff. 史密斯先生出庭为原告当律师。
- The jury found for the plaintiff. 陪审团作出了有利于原告的裁决。
- Saviola, who appeared for his country at the 2006 World Cup Finals, has recently been in fine form for the Spaniards. 萨维奥拉代表了他的国家参加了2006年世界杯决赛阶段;最近和西班牙人方面关系不错.
- A decision was given for the plaintiff. 做出对原告有利的判决
- Judgment was entered for the plaintiff. 判决原告胜诉。
- The judge decided for the plaintiff. 那法官的判决有利于原告。
- The jury decided for the plaintiff. 这个陪审团对原告有利。
- He is the barrister who will appear for the defence. 他是被告的出庭律师。
- The two men who appeared in court yesterday entered no plea although the lawyer who appeared for one said they would plead not guilty. 两名昨天出庭的犯罪嫌疑人没有提出避重就轻的认罪。一名嫌犯的律师也到场了,据他说他的代理人将提出无罪抗辩。
- The defendant was held not liable for the injury to the plaintiff. 被告对原告所受伤害不承担责任。
- The lawyer for the plaintiff presented evidence in the court. 原告律师在法庭上提供了证据。
- A famous lawyer has been asked to appear for the prosecution. 原告方面请了一位著名律师出庭。
- Mr. A was counsel for the plaintiff, and Mr. B for the defendant. A先生作原告的辩护人, B先生作被告的辩护人。
- Who celebrated his 500th appearance for the Reds in January 2008? 谁进了利物浦08年的第一个进球?
- Mr. smith was prosecuted,and Mr. Jones appeared for the defence. 史密斯先生代表原告检举,琼斯先生出庭为被告进行辩护。
- Mr. smith was prosecuted, and Mr. Jones appeared for the defence. 史密斯先生代表原告检举,琼斯先生出庭为被告进行辩护。
- "Why, you see, Edmond," replied the owner, who appeared more comforted at every moment, "we are all mortal, and the old must make way for the young. “爱德蒙,你知道,”船主说道,他显得越来越放心了,“我们都是凡人,都免不了一死,老年人终究要让位给青年人。
- Mr. Johnson appeared for him in court. 詹森先生出庭为他辩护。
- Who will compensate for the losses? 谁将赔偿损失?